Mark Glonaj-For Assembly in The 80th!

Mark Glonaj-For Assembly in The 80th!
Ricky Martinez @ Mark Gjonaj

Our Candidate for 2012

Our Candidate for 2012
Clyde Williams-For Congress-Harlem, Washington Heights, Northwest Bronx


Ricky Martinez for State Assembly, 78th

Our Candidates for 2012!!!!!!!

Our Candidates for 2012!!!!!!!
Manny Tavares for State Senate

Friday, April 24, 2009

A Strong Obama Supporter turned into an Independent Candidate?

Join Us as we celebrate our democracy and assist Councilman Gioia on his "listening tour" campaign up to The Bronx. Next Stop May 6th!

Why are we Here-Part 3

Sen. Espada Tucks Tail And Runs From CBS 2 HD

Politician Who Represents Bronx But Doesn't Live There Eventually Speaks, But Offers Insults, Not Answers (click here)

Why we Are Here-Part 2

Exposed: NYC Senator Who Doesn't Live In NYC

CBS 2 HD Finds Out Truth About Sen. Espada: He Represents Bronx But Lives In Wealthy Westchester Town (click here)

Ms Marcia Kramer has the guts to tell The world what Bronxites have known for months-we have a North Bronx senator that does not live here. One day, hopefully, she will tell the other side of the story: That The Bronx political Powers at be-hired 2 outside groups-The Ciommittee of 100 Democrats & Liberty Democratic Association to make sure Pedro Espada did not win: The Result: Thank you---outside clubs who came into an unknown area-messed it up-and left (after all, they do not live here either)

Why Are we Here-Part 1

Well well well

Why Are We Here! For one, Our former Borough president, responsible for creating economic policy all over The Bronx, hailed by Obama as The Urban Policy Czar-now shows his hands-thy are green

The Daily News has unfolded a troublesome story about our former President and the Atlantic Development Corporation (click here)

The Atlantic Development Corporation has been involved with many proposed deals today, including a finalist for the re-development of The Kingsbridge Armory