Mark Glonaj-For Assembly in The 80th!

Mark Glonaj-For Assembly in The 80th!
Ricky Martinez @ Mark Gjonaj

Our Candidate for 2012

Our Candidate for 2012
Clyde Williams-For Congress-Harlem, Washington Heights, Northwest Bronx


Ricky Martinez for State Assembly, 78th

Our Candidates for 2012!!!!!!!

Our Candidates for 2012!!!!!!!
Manny Tavares for State Senate

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


As Tuesday rolls by and government laws need to be implented while a divided government sits in Albany, Bronx Community Board 7 says below:

Dear Members of the NYS Senate,

On the behalf of the members, residents, businesses, and students in Bronx Community Board 7, we respectfully urge you to heed the Governor’s call to convene the Senate and conduct the business of the people. There is too much at stake to allow partisan and personal agendas to take precedence over the needs of millions of New Yorkers. New Yorkers are struggling with the effects of increasing uncertainty in our economy, in our homes, and in our schools. Compounding these stresses, by adding the uncertainty of the direction of our own government, exasperates the aforementioned and demonstrates callousness for the plight of the people.

We plead the people’s case once again, the same people who you are charged in representing as our Senate, and advise for their benefit that you vote and act on those matters before you today. Thank you.


Gregory W. Faulkner Fernando P. Tirado

Chairman District Manager

Richard Soto for Pedro Espada-Part 2?

Tuesday Night, at 8PM on Bronxnet TV Channel 67, "Perspectives", host Darin Jamie will ask Richard Soto, Anthony Rivieccio and others to discuss the status of the State Senate and Democrat/Independent/Republican Perdo Espada.

At a recent taping (below) Mr Soto stated that Mr Espada was "Shaking up the money tree for Minorities"

Another Bronx Democrat Turned Republican?

While this story will be featured on the July 2nd 2009 issue of The Bronx News Newspaper, we thought we would give you a sneek peek first.

Ms Yudelka Tapia, 14th City Council Candidate has assused another candidate, Mr Fernando Caberra of being a 10 year closet Republican. According to her, Westchester County Documents show that he has been a registered Republican for 10 years and just recently both; moved into the Fordham/Kingsbridge neighborhood and changed affilation to Democrat.
Above is a picture of the last sunday press conference she held at Mr Cabreea's alleged home in Pelham New York


Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Soto: "Pedro's Shaking Up The Money Tree For Minorities"

Richard Soto, candidate in 2008 for 33rd State Senate District who dropped out at last minute-to support Pedro Espada, discusses his actions on Bronxnet TV (the 15:00 mark of the show)

Friday, June 19, 2009

The Bronx Gax is in The House!!!!

Debate for City Comptroller

On Monday, June 29 the four Democrats running for NY City Comptroller will square off on BronxTalk in a live, one-hour televised debate. Beginning at 9:00pm, Councilmembers Melinda Katz, John Liu, David Weprin, and David Yassky will discuss city budgets, housing, education, economic development, and a variety of other subjects. Moderated by BronxTalk host Gary Axelbank, the program will emphasize issues important to the people of the Bronx.

BronxTalk is the borough's flagship talk show that's seen Monday nights at 9:00pm on Bronxnet's channel 67 in the Bronx and streamed live on the web at . BronxTalk will be celebrating its 15th anniversary in October.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

6-9-2009 The Night Pedro Espada Became The King

2008- 325 E 201St Pedro hangs out with his new neighbors-----then goes home

Pedro A Republican in 2008?

Daily News reports Grand Jury Probe into Espada

WOW...............Now Bronx District Attorney Johnson is looking into a 2008 Campaign complaint from a Rafael Martinez that he was "roughed up" by what he calls "Espada goons". "Uly", as many of us in the Bronx might know him was a Senior political Operator for the Jose Rivera Led 2008 Democratic party

Neverthless, we cheer Attorneys Cuomo and Johnson looking into both this charge and his alleged residency charge (click here)

The You Tube video of the rough up is here (click)

Sunday, June 14, 2009

We Are on TV supporting our Democrats!!!!

North Bronx Democrats a NEW weekly 15 minute political talk segment on "The Open Show", hosted by Darin Hymie and Anthony Rivieccio every Wednesday Morning, LIVE from 10AM-11AM on Bronx Channel 67 and re-broad casted every Wednesday Night from 10AM-11AM. The purpose of this segment, as with our club, is to give our North Bronx communities a chance to be informed of the political activities in their neighborhoods and to have a voice.

On June 3rd-Robert Press, VC of the Committee of 100 Democrats discusses their re-partnership with our club and their endorsements in North Bronx political circles (click here).

On June10th- 12th Councilmanic Candidate Andy King talks about his race for Co Op City(click here)

Mr Richard Soto,
President of Rising Voices Coalition & Senior Aide to Pedro Espada

On June 24th District Councilman G.Oliver Koppell will be on discussing his 30 year term as a public servent

Please join us in making a difference in our North Bronx communities and support our segment by posting any suggestions, or guests you would like on the show

Thursday, June 11, 2009

caught shifting monies from new district to old?

State Senator Pedro Espada according to The New York Times attempted on 3 occasions to divert monies to other areas of The Bronx that do not represent his NEW AREA. On the first 2 occasions, the diversion was going to his OLD AREA, SOUNDVIEW.

HEY PEDRO, its 201st & Perry Ave, Bedford Park Bronx, you live there, remember?

read the article here

Its Politically Hot All Right!

Amazing. Amazing Amazing Amazing. I truly wonder, even if Mr Pedro Espada wanted to , could he find his own "alleged"apartment if he was driving on his own

Since Summer of 2008, the historic day that the Bronx Democratic Leadership on The Grand Concourse changed hands, we screamed out and warned them. we told them the in adeptness of their campaign planning (non residents covering neighborhood areas) for the 33rd State Senate District was a sham and "not to leave us' after they created this mess in the first place.

Well everyone has responded.

The NEW Bronx Democratic Leadership- is still placing non resident clubs to represent communities.
Former Ally's? The Committee of 100 Democrats will not join Liberty Democratic Association quest in representing West Side Communities any longer
The Community-THIS WAS the reasoning for the birth of this club
And neighbors-Yes Boogiedowner is a proud neighbor of our wonderful West Side Bedford Park community and she speaks with "real hard tongue" about our invisible Senate President (where the barf bag)

Down below are earliest posts if you want to see a sad political horror story-in motion. We wish NEW Chair Carl Heastie the very best in attempting to resolve this Bronx Crises. More importantly, PLEASE SPEAK TO THE COMMUNITY FIRST!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Good People Bring Out Good Government

On Tuesday, June 9th, The Committee of 100 Democrats, the Ben Franklin Club and North Bronx Democrats have endorsed:

Mayoral Candidate: William Thompson Public Advocate: Eric Gioia Councilman: 11th District: G. Oliver Koppell

'Let me be clear. this is our hardest endorsement. Anthony Cassino has been a great neighbor as chairman of Community board 8. His neighborhood passion, like many of our members, is inspiring, but the real problem is Anthony did not ask the leadership in Bedford Park, Norwood or van Courtland to help-he asked my friend-Founder of Liberty Democratic Association, a wonderful EAST SIDE club to represent this WEST SIDE area. Our Councilman, Oliver Koppell is a prime example of what we call "30 years of political gerrymandering" gone haywire but to his great credit, has been accessible and helpful in our area since 2001. There will be a new day- one day-and then and only then-will Anthony Cassino be of the most highest of consideration".

Anthony Rivieccio
Bedford Park Director

Ricky Martinez, Chairman
Committee of 100 Democrats

We are on Bronx television

North Bronx Democrats- is our newest venue to assist our north Bronx residents and merchants get fully equipped with information on their respective community and political leaders. On The Bronxnet Channel 67 "Open Show" a Live news and political talk show on Wednesdays, from 10AM-!!AM (rebroadcast at 10PM-11PM) our 15 minute segment will discuss all of the important Bronx community and political issues of the day

The Link Below is our first segment:
Announcing the partnership of our organization and the Committee of 100 Democrats.
(click here)

Please join us
Next Wed June 18th for a conversation with: Public Advocate Candidate
Eric Gioia
Wed June 25th with City Councilman & candidate G. Oliver Koppell

If you know of someone you would like to see on the show, please leave your post

Break Up---To Make UP???

Yes, its the old song-that sometimes over time-has just the same strength as the original.

In 2004, our affiliate North Bronx Thinktank gathered many Bedford Park, Norwood & Riverdale residents and re-formed the Committee of 100 Democrats.
From 2004 to 2006 The Committee participated and was successful in over 10 North Bronx campaigns. In 2007 many members broke up for several reasons and separated into many different community and political nucleus es.

On Saturday, May 23rd, The Executive members of the Committee and Northwest Bronx Liberty Democratic Club have formed a "partnership' in which we call; For the Spirit of Good Government" in the North west Bronx areas from Fordham to Van Courtland.

Can this partnership work? Are we dreaming???