Mark Glonaj-For Assembly in The 80th!

Mark Glonaj-For Assembly in The 80th!
Ricky Martinez @ Mark Gjonaj

Our Candidate for 2012

Our Candidate for 2012
Clyde Williams-For Congress-Harlem, Washington Heights, Northwest Bronx


Ricky Martinez for State Assembly, 78th

Our Candidates for 2012!!!!!!!

Our Candidates for 2012!!!!!!!
Manny Tavares for State Senate

Thursday, July 30, 2009

A Week of Bronx History!!!

What a week!!!!

*On Monday-We learn that The Great "Koppell-Cassino" Debate was everything we thought it was. I'm glad it was over in 30 minutes. Any more time, Tony would have taken the knifes out-literally. Wellll-we really do not know if that is true BUT we did find out that Anthony Cassino, like in 2005, will support Mayor Bloomberg. many will wonder how LDA backers Kenny Agosto & Joe McManus-BIG Bill Thompson Fans will take this???

*On Monday-Kingsbridge Armory Public Hearing Night. Firstly, Thank You President Diaz for holding a 2ND PUBLIC HEARING to learn more about the delicate community task at hand. We learned many things: a) The Community will get schools
b) The community is starting with a surety of 10% community space
c) The Community Board will not back a "living wage" and proposes another supermarket in the area, either creating competition-or destroying Mom and Pop businesses.
Board Member John Harris will be long remembered for his proposal-one way or another. we also thank our council candidates; Tapia & Koppell, for reminding The Borough President to include schools into the plan. Much kudos goes to Mr Koppell for working tirelessly behind the scenes for the school plan

Mayor Bill Thompson
Public Advocate Eric Giola
Council Candidate (14th)-Yudelka Tapia
Council Candidate (11th) G. Oliver Koppell
And we were very happy and honored to learn our news reached The Daily News & Room 8 Political Blogs.

On Wednesday-Maybe the best phone call we got-from the Bronx Democratic Chairman-Mr Carl Heastie. it was a wonderful 2 hour conversation and i think we discussed a great deal about the Northwest Bronx area. It is not Mr Heastie's fault, being a new Chairman, that he does not know the political "sensitivities" regarding The Northwest Bronx. after all, in 2008 and prior, he was just an Assemblyman-in Wakefield. Over the course of the last 9 months-after the Bronx Political war-we finally got his attention. AND HE LISTENED and i think now understands that we have been serving the Northwest Bronx since 2003-we are not going anywhere-which is why political non neighborhood operatives will not work in our area-we work, live, spend money and love our area!!!! Thank You Mr Heastie for the call.

*On Thursday-ITS MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! But who cares, we got 2 campaigns to run and with great success. MARK THE DATE: August 26th-"Wednesday Morning-Bronxnet Tv & Our Candidates!!!!. On The Open Show, from 10AM-11AM Channel 67-LIVE-Candidates Tapia & Koppell will be on TV talking with host Daren Jamie and The Audiance of The Bronx. and talk about a great producer over there, learn more about producer BHARATI KEMRAJ-in StreetHype newspaper (pg 22)

*On Friday- Bill Thompson, candidate For mayor just hired a "running field" director named Daniel R Contreras who is in charge of "field operations" in the Bronx. He will be joining us for our 1st Joint "Organizational Meeting". IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO HELP OUT ON EITHER CAMPAIGN (AND GET PAID FOR YOUR EFFORTS) PLEASE COME TO THE MEETING OR CALL US NOW AT 347.575.5045. Flexible Hours, 7 day weeks and we started 3 weeks ago-BUT NEED YOUR HELP NOW

On Saturday-The Fordham Road Area , always making history in The Bronx will now make history again, at its 1st 'Annual Health Fair" From 12-5PM. GET FREE MEDICAL ASSISTANCE, FUN, GAMES AND ENTERTAINMENT

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

If Yorman is The Man, then Yudelka is The Lady!!!

Well, now our search is complete. To best serve all of our club communities it is very important for us to find 2 candidates, from Fordham to Riverdale-in the North Bronx that would both; provide us with that political voice that 25 year community activists have been looking for and to keep up with our first mantra: To preserve & protect the North Bronx

in the 11th council manic district (from Bedford Park to Riverdale) we re-endorsed Oliver Koppell We supported him in 2005. He has been a public servant in our district for over 30 years, in many roles. Club Member Ursula Morgan says, "I can not think of a better homegrown candidate"

In the 14th council District (from 165th to 195th), we endorse Yudelka Tapia for one reason and one reason only, says, Director Anthony Rivieccio; "It was truly a toss up. we want homegrown candidates, Yudelka & Yorman combined have over 40 years of living and helping in the district. I do not know why Yorman left the race, but I do know that Yudelka has been breaking down "Bronx Democratic Barriers" for 20 years while serving the needs of the district. THE TIME IS NOW TO BREAK THAT FINAL BARRIER. NOW-From Fordham to Kingsbridge Heights, is the time for Yudelka!

The Phone Call from The Bronx Democratic Chairman

We were very surprised that The Bronx Democratic Chairman Carl Heastie called our office and spent "2 hours" of his time to discuss with us, our activities in The NorthWest Bronx.

Firstly, we had to "correct him", when he said, "that the 11 Council manic District political activities are being run by Jeffrey Dinowitz & Ben Franklin". That is partly true, As local people know, (and of course The Koppell campaign) our club is running what we call "the Non Riverdale" portion (Bedford Park, Norwood and Van Courtlandt Village). We have been serving these communities since 2003. And a VERY IMPORTANT 35% of the district. I am glad he understands, now!

I hope he understands for example, that , for example, in the 2005, non riverdale areas of the district brought in an aggregate 12% to Mr Koppell's election. Riverdales majority, per vote, actually went down 7%. Yes Riverdale is the majority-BUT BEDFORD PARK, NORWOOD and VCL are areas underserved in this mixed belief. Ask former Chairman Jose Rivera when he saw that NWB Democrats brought in a Koppell Victory in 2005. Finally, some respect after 20 years-then-a Bronx Political War (2008) and now (2009) non Riverdale is BACK OFF THE RADER SCREEN. We want to thank Mr Heastie for acknowledging this political crack and to recognize community activists who do not want a title.

But sadly, secondly, we also agree with Mr Heastie, that in Bronx Politics, District Leaders (Titles) should run the organization. If we want to take our community activism-to a political level-according to Mr Heastie, run for Leadership Roles. (Oh Lord, 25 yr/50 yr old community activists running for office.........???????)

But most importantly, we apologized for any aggressive tone our organization has had with Mr Heastie recently. Our organization, as he also now knows, comes from 25 years of; 2 Bronx Political wars and years of neglect. Now, as community activists-we want our political voice back. We ended, I hope, with a feeling of mutual respect. Starting today, attempting to work within the boundaries of a very fractured party-we will-at his request-do our best. We only ask, as we said when we hung up the phone "that sometimes, 25 year community activists know more about their community then 2 year/25 year wannabee non neighborhood residents. I think he understood. And once again, thank you Mr Heastie for your phone call

AUGUST 1st DEVOE PARK-1st Annual Health Fair

Join community actvists and long standing non profit organizations with their 1st Annual Health Fair.

Alba from the health fair, says ". I am putting together a health fair with community members and some non-profit organizations as well. I have the flyer attached".

Like we do in The North West Bronx-join West Bronx citizens in taking the lead to a better life-style

Friday, July 17, 2009

We Support Oliver Koppell, We Support Oliver Koppell

We will not hide our love for our over 30 year public servant-Current
th District Councilman & Candidate Oliver Koppell

The Riverdale Based Ben Franklin Club, just fresh off their 6000 plus petition campaign for Oliver is tag teaming with our club to ensure the re-election of Oliver Koppell-a man who truly knows what The Northwest Bronx neighborhood needs. An example is his current push for SCHOOLS in the Armory, Mr Koppell is the only Bronx elected official that has suggested that The Armory should be 100% community space.


You see, "non neighborhood" residents will start to infiltrate our Bedford Park, Norwood and Riverdale neighborhoods soon with a New message. Sadly, that message comes from a lovely East Side Political Club, The Liberty Democratic Association-but knows nothing about the problems on: 231st & Broadway, 203rd & Valentine nor Gun Hill Road & Dekalb Ave.

Join us for: An Oliver Push!!!!!!
we have a fun filled summer planned with many activities and events to promote the good work that Councilman Koppell has done in our area-throughout his over 4 decade career

Just Call us for more information: 347.575.5045

The Kingsbridge Armory Tradegy

Many people would say a tradegy took place this week in North Bronx community development

The Kingsbridge Armory , city owned for 90 years, has just sold the building to private company, The Related Companies who wants to build "Shops At The Armory" a 90% retail mall

But many problems have developed:
a) The Community themselves want community space in The Armory
b) Community Board 7 listed a "preset of conditions" for the Borough President-after they said YES to the deal
c)Neighboring Councilman Oliver Koppell who wanted the armory to be 100% community space is still fighting hard-for the inclusion of schools
d) In The CB7 approval, member John Harris, introduced -and the CB7 Board approved- an inclusion of a supermarket-directly threatening Morton Williams Supermarket-a 4 decade Bronx institution-and its union neighborhood employees with no jobs
e) At a recent Community Rally for "Responsible Development" Democratic leaders, Carl Heastie & Ruben Diaz Jr did not attend despite assures from their offices of showing-while Councilman Koppell and Assembly people Jose and Naomi Rivera joined the march

Our club supports the same position many of us as individuals have protested for for 10 years-BUILD MORE SCHOOLS!

And Council Candidates in the Area, Yudelka Tapia & Yorman Nunez agree!!!!

Read Some of the Calimity:
The start of The Armory Rezoning (click)
The Community Board Position (click)
The Borough President Investigates Related? (click)
Community Rally for the Armory (click)

The City Council Starts to Fall

The New York City Council Slush Fund: Who's abusing it?

First , the investigation was targeted in Manhattan-and proven to work-by The arrest of now Former Councilman Miguel Martinez, now-----is it coming to The Bronx?????

Read the Martinez story in The daily News & Times and see how they intend to possibility visit----The South Bronx, and Councilwoman CarmenArroyo

Read The NYTimes article describing the loss of $100,000 by Ex Councilman Martinez (click)

Read the NY Daily News comments on Mr Martinez (click)

Read The Bronx investigation

Any more "stories" out there????

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Bye Bye Bloomberg!

As Our Democratic Mayoral Candidate uses this week for his own Bronxweek outreach' we are honored that he asked some members of our group to join him during his travels.

join us on Tuesday, as we join Mr William Thompson for his 'Late nights With Bill' Fundraiser right on Fordham Road in The Bronx.

And Mr Thompson, thank you for praising our work in The North Bronx and it is our honor to join you in your weekly tour to the Bronx....And double kuddos to your every working team led by Anne Fenton and Charlie Ramos

as some of us said 2 years ago....Bye Bye Bloomberg

Soto: Part 2-Espada is shaking That Money Tree

As The State Senate allows Mayoral Control to expire and have a non vote on Rent regulation, Mr Richard Soto, President of Rising Voices Coalition continues his belief with the "Perspective Audiance" his continued belief that Mr Espada is "Shaking Up The Money Tree For Minorities"

New political allies!!!!!

Our belief is that after 25 years of Bronx Gerrymanding and 2 political wars, The Bronx NOW is finally open to independent good government-good candidates and good political clubs. while we are busy organizing The North west Bronx-we have become friends with a NEW wakefield based political club-The Political Parent Party- fighting for traditional family values. They can be found at;

on The Southern Side of the Bronx, we are glad to introduce "West Bronx Democrats" a new independent force serving the needs from Morrisana to Fordham. and right in the middle-a young people force under the age of 29th, just finished with their first campaign for Barack Obama-meet "Young West Bronx Democrats", huddled on 183rd st & The Grand Concourse.
reach out to them at:

Community service At its best

While our club (as of yet) has not taken a position on "NYC Comptroller", we love taking a position on Gary "the Gax" Axelbank!!!1...WE LOVE HIM

And want to thank him for his wonderful 1 hour Bronxnet debate. Watch below to help you (and us0 make this important and difficult decision. We were honored to see this unfold-live!