Mark Glonaj-For Assembly in The 80th!

Mark Glonaj-For Assembly in The 80th!
Ricky Martinez @ Mark Gjonaj

Our Candidate for 2012

Our Candidate for 2012
Clyde Williams-For Congress-Harlem, Washington Heights, Northwest Bronx


Ricky Martinez for State Assembly, 78th

Our Candidates for 2012!!!!!!!

Our Candidates for 2012!!!!!!!
Manny Tavares for State Senate

Monday, December 7, 2009

86th Assembly-Nelson Castro Vs Hector Ramirez

Oh Boy, what a mess!!!!. This area, from Highbridge to Kingsbridge Heights is about ready to go through Bronx political war-part 2. We think however, a snapshot of the recent 14th Councilmanic race really tells us who has the upside:

In Highbridge-The Bronx County Machine re-established their Aurila Greene presence while in Tremont- Bronx County strength shrinks while "new, independent groups", like Young Bronx Democrats, start to take hold. Coming up towards Fordham, new, independent groups, like, New Life Church starts to take hold, while up in Kingsbridge Heights, new and old clubs, like NWB Democrats and Jose Rivera's oldNorth End Democratic Club have established and re-established their community and political strength.

Hector Ramirez-The District Leader , many say, passed over for Current Assemblyman Nelson Castro, is now gunning for the assembly seat, he says, is Rightly his????

This snapshot shows that's is now, nothing but the case!

33rd State Senate District

You know this man?. For a man (and we have no problem saying it) who just moved into the area, he is certinly spreading his new found wealth and power around town.

From Morrisina to Riverdale, Mr Espada has gone to many a neighborhood and assisted like Santa Claus.
In The North Bronx Areas of Bedford Park, Norwood & Van Courtlandt Village, fror example, Pedro went to Mosholu Montefiore Community Center and happily passed around a $90,000 check for its youth and senior programs. Lets hope Mr Donald Bluestone (MMCC Director) uses the money in a encouraging way.

In Bedford Park, at a recent community board meeting Senator Espads office recoginized the hard work (of our parent) North Bronx Thinktank, in its contuining effort for; more economic development, parks preservation and children's safety. And in Norwood, a simple continuation like the funding of holiday lights will be at least, a small start, in the re-development of The 204th St Merchant Strip.

Can He win re-election?

81st Assembly-A Backstab & A Challanger for Power?

People "in the know" in the 11th Councilmanic Race last year, did not understand what was going on. At that time:

1-Oliver Koppell & Riverdale BasedThe Ben Franklin Club were not the best of friends, Oliver suporting Jose Rivera during the Bronx Political War.
2- Jeffrey Dinowitz Arose!-from Local leader to Vice Chairman of Bronx Democrats
3- Liberty Democratic Association (LDA) delegates on Olivers non riverdale petitions and having Ben Franklin delegates on his Riverdale petitions, with both sets of petitions, made and appoved by Bronx County. LDA was supporting Koppell oppenent Anthony Cassino.
4- Many minor "screwups" during the campaign, including 3 campaign managers for Mr Koppells campaign (Anthony Rivieccio, non riverdale, Arthur Heller, Riverdale, Jeffrey Dinowitz, Cross Coordinator)

The wind was not setting right. Was Jeffrey Dinowitz trying to publically support Oliver Koppell while supporting fellow collegue, LDA man Kenny Agosto and his candidate?

BOOM!. Oliver does not get Council Delegate Majority Position
BOOM! Oliver supports Bloomberg over Thompson
BOOM! Oliver takes more of a role in Kingsbridge Armory development
BOOM: Oliver declars war on LDA
BOOM-The Riverdale winds are flying with word to run a candidate against Jeffey Dinowitz

BOOM: Sounds like oliver is Mad!!!!

And BOOM!, we dont blame him!!!!

80th Assembly: Joe Vs Kenny Vs Naomi

If Bronx Democratic Chairman Carl Heastie's eddict is correct, "That The District Leaders run Bronx County" then The 80th (From Bedford Park/Norwood to Pelham Parkway/Morris Park) should be an interestingggggggggg race as well

Since the political war in 2008, we have requested (and received) some quality conversation from Mr Heastie regarding the real representation of the district. We have tried to explain to Mr Heastie that because of the way the district is gerry-mandered (east to west), The 80th has several leaders, notwithstanding current District Leader Kenny Agosto.

In 2009, The 11th Council District Race showed (West Side) that NWB Democrats have a majority hold over the area, foling Liberty Democratic Association's (LDA) bid for control of the area, via their failed attempt of their Council Candidate: Anthony Cassino. The current race for Mayor also showed 2 results in the 80th assembly District. On The West Side, Mr Thompson won. On The East Side, Mr Bloomberg won. NWB Democrats was in charge of Mr Thompson's campaign on the West Side and LDA was in charge on the East Side.

BUT WE STILL ADMIT-LDA is a great EAST SIDE Club. Assemblywoman Rivera, while doing a creditable job, is sadly in the middle of this part 2 Bronx political War. Many have been mentioning; Who's running against Naomi?. Current State Committeeman Joe McManus?. Current District Leader Kenny Agosto? 80th Assembly Resident Anthony Rivieccio?

The political train of thought in the 80th is; To beat Naomi Rivera, you need to have a Three way Race? Joe McManus vs. Kenny Agosto vs Naomi Rivera Anyone? Hmmmm, it might be time to give Mr heastie a call again!?.

78 Assembly District-A New District Leader?

The 78th (From Fordham To Bedford Park) became veryyyyyyyy interesting this summer!!!!!!

In Fordham-both NWB Democrats & New Life Church established themselves as "New political players" in the areas. Fernando Cabrera & Greg Faulkner continue to show new political realities into the area while The Good Old Jose Rivera Machine is still alive and strong!

In the mist................a wild neighborhood rumor. Upper 78th Assembly Area Club, The Committee of 100 Democrats is holding their Annual electoral meeting on Saturday. Ricky Martinez & Robert Press (we suspect) will be re-elected as Chairman & Vice Chairman and Ricky has made frequent comments about "power sharing in The 78th". When ask for a quote, Ricky says, "I'll tell you this, Im tired of outsiders comig into my neighborhood and the powers at be need to learn how to powershare". WOW-RICK-We have been saying that for 2 Years!!!

Of course, whar might be more interesting is: The Committee, since 2006, has lost over 50% membership, supported (and lost) Former State Senator Efrain Gonzalez, took part in The 2008 Political war, desposing the Former Bronx Democratic Chairman (and 78th State Assemblyman Jose Rivera) and nearby Assemblywoman Naomi Rivera has made no overtures to the Committee since 2006.

Mr Martinez has always suggested to "make friends"!?!.