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Clyde Williams-For Congress-Harlem, Washington Heights, Northwest Bronx


Ricky Martinez for State Assembly, 78th

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Manny Tavares for State Senate

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

A Revolution-or a continuation?

2010, will be a "historic year" in Bronx Politics-for its lows!!!!!!

First, we have stopped immediate assistance on the campaigns of Nelson Castro & Jose Rivera. We believe both of these Assemblyman deserve re-election. Not because of their "greatness" however but the lack of greatness from there challengers.
a) Castro runs against Hector Ramirez- a nice man who is District Leader-many say was next in line for The Assembly job before Castro-has spent now years in his District Office-not being able to communicate to the Bronx Higher Ups. Why? Because he can not speak English. Should it be a requirement? Well, we would preume so guessing that over 80% of The State Legislature does not speak Spanish as their first language. Hector needs to go to ESL classes in Bronx Community College, instead of going to Albany. Even sadder, independent Yudelka Tapia, has now gone to the other side, working with Hector Ramirez after orginally accepting The Female District leader job from Castro. Finally even sadder, Nelsonn hired "Strategic Strategies" a loose knit consulting firm headed by Sherman Brown, key aide for former Councilwoman Maria Baez and Assemblyman Jose Rivera. And many insiders will now tell you in the campaign: It has been mistake after mistake after mistake and because of this NWB Democrats, has slowed down its support for Mr Castro until this consulting group gets back on its tender feet.

b- Jose Rivera-NWB Democrats has also slowed down its grass roots efforts for Assemblyman Rivera, partly requested by The Assemblyman himself. In 2006, NWB Democrats supported Efrain Gonzalez and received over 80% of the total vote. In 2008, Efrain decided not to ask NWB Democrats and injected The Committee of 100 Democrats to run their campaign. Mr Gonzalez lost to Pedro Espada-60-40%. Now, Mr Jose Rivera, by picking The Committee of 100 over NWB Democrats to run his campaign, we believe, might be setting up the same trap that Efrain created for himself in 2008. While NWB Democrats has been 12 for 16 in campaign tests the last 8 years, The Committee has gone 1 for 5 in the last 3 years. Good Luck Jose!. As a man of the people we believe he is going to win, and Rickys candicacy can not hurt him, but the "lack of troop" power that has been facing The Committee in recent years has got to worry the "higher ups"
c- Inside-Outside-Inside
In full disclosure, we wanted Desiree Pilgrim Hunter to win for State Senator-why-because in our opinion, she was the only REAL candidate from the NWB neighborhood.
Gustavo Rivera-a nice man who has no community presence in The Bronx
Pedro Espada-which we still today are not sure which house, borough or state he lives in.
The New Rooselvelt Group-from New Rochelle-not the Bronx. SOUNDS ALL LIKE OUTSIDERS ON THE INSIDE, Right?

d- While we do not enjoy The Snooki name attached to Assemblywoman Rivera we must admit, coonsidering that Snooki is hot, that we believe that is a GREAT COMPLIMENT for Naomi.
NWB Democrats have decided NOT TO GIVE support to this race because Naomi Rivera-supports Kenny Agosto----and Kenny Agosto--supports Naomi Rivera...OH, you didnt know? They were trying to keep it quiet-but THEY ARE A TEAM.
Yes, The Same people that challenger Robert Guiffee says MUST BE ELIMINATED from office. But Sadly Robert needs more of a history lesson. When he says "Naomi is the worst legislator we ever had"-and says in the next breath-"I would have supported Kenny Agosto for Assemblyman"-just shows the political naiveness of Robert. Simply put, if you hate the job Naomi is doing why would you support her puppetmaster!. Yes, Kenny Agosto planted Naomi Rivera into her current job and for this trickery at its highest level-we decided to walk away.

e- While we are still supporting Ricky Martinez for State Committeeman yes, indeed we do have a lot of worries. Firstly, Ricky will get some monetary help from Pedro Espada (read below). Secondly, the committees depressed troop level (from 100 in 2006 to 5 today) does not make it an easy race to say the least. As a matter of fact, Ricky had to create a new troop, "The Committee of 100 Ladies" to hand out his petition when his Executive Board (Robert Press, Rene Cuesta, Chris Jones) all declined to work the summer to get Ricky signatures. To Ricky's credit-The word is he got 600. Sadly though, not 1 signature was received by The Executive Board.
f- Maybe our biggest reason for disolusion in The Bronx is the statement above by Adam IV. In The Bronx, 1981, we had Webtech-a government ripoff-and since then-started a 40 year downhill spiral of Bronx Corpution and Bad policies that today, 30 years, now has The Bronx Dems standing as a shadow of its former self. In 1962, Bronx Dems had the president's (of the US) ear, today, they are lucky if they can get the ear to the sanitation department to clean their streets. We had big hope in The Bronx and still do, especially on the North and SouthEast sides (Go Charlie Ramos) but today, as we started in our first campaign for Adam Clayton Powell IV 20 years ago as a Councilman, Adam's race to us, represents the continual evolution of an Independent voice in NYC politics and that is where the bulk of our efforts will be this year.

g- but maybe lastly, who is the real king of Bronx Politics? Chairman Carl Heastie gets orders from NYS Democratic Party to terminate Pedro Espada's membership from Bronx Dems party. Carl passes off big problem to 2nd in command Jeffrey Dinowitz-who says-there is no need to act now. But then they both push their resources to attempt to get Nelson Castro off the Democratic Ballot Line? Even worse, last minute Jeffrey Dinowitz token support of Gustavo Rivera in the 33rd State senate, after supporting Riverdalian Dan Padernect all summer, now assures Danny Boy will get 10%of the total vote-and Gustavo might lose!. Who wins? If Pedro does, is it Jeffrey's fault?----or does he want Pedro to win all along (Editors Note: NWB Democrats announced Jeffrey's double dipping of candidates in 2009 when he supported both,; Anthony Cassino AND Oliver Koppell for City Council). What we do understand however, that $250,000 of monies allocated to Gustavo by his suporters New Rooselvelt CAN NOT GO TO Gustavo directly----is that why Jeffrey's Ben Franklin Club and Kenny Agosto's Liberty Democratic Club are now supporting Gustavo?. Yes times are tuff---even in the Democratic Clubs pocketbook.
And that why we are leaving most of these Bronx races this year. Yes clubs should get paid for hard political work-but at least were ethical!

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